There are a couple of very good reasons for adding an extension to your home. First, you may want to create extra space and it’s often cheaper than moving to a new house nowadays. Second, it can add a significant amount of value to your property if you make the right choices.
With such a big investment, of course, it pays to get the design nailed down and take the time to choose a qualified and experienced builder for starters.
But while there may be a tonne of practical reasons why you want a house extension, there are some aesthetic decisions to make along the way. For instance, you’ll want a new build that fits in with the rest of your home and doesn’t stand out like a sore thumb.
Perhaps you’ll be using the extension to entertain guests, so the right amount of lighting is going to be important. Or maybe you’re turning it into an office or art studio.
If you are thinking about an extension or you’re in the process of planning one, you might want to consider installing aluminium bifold doors. Rather than a traditional window or door, these structures can actually bring your new space to life and add a brilliant dimension with plenty of style and elegance. You will fill your new space with natural light and, if you have a good garden area, you’ll create a view that really has impact.
One problem that home owners often think about is the maintenance of such large structures. Our Visofold 1000 bifold doors are actually one of the slimmest on the market but they’re also some of the sturdiest. Easy to maintain all year round, you get an installation that not only looks impressive but keeps your property warm in winter and cool during the summer. Opening and closing is much easier than with sliding doors and the whole installation gives you more space open to the outside world.
With a range of colour finishes, you can find a bifold door installation that suits the rest of your home perfectly. We know that’s an important factor for many of our customers which is why we always work hard to help them make the right choices.
Compared to sliding doors, bifolds also allow you to open up your extension to the world and create a space for the summer that really looks and feels fantastic. Whether your relaxing indoors or inviting guests over for a barbecue, once you’ve finished for the evening, you simply and quickly slide the doors back into place and secure the lock.
Of course, another issue that our customers worry about when they consider bifold doors is the security aspect. The good news is that all our products have high level security features including multiple locking points. That open space can leave you feeling your privacy is being affected but you can also install state of the art blinds which can be lowered or raised as you require. With the high thermal properties of the double glazed windows you create an extension space that is comfortable all year round.
If you want your new extension to be something more than just the addition of bricks and a few windows, installing a bifold door can make all the difference. If you want to find out more, then contact our friendly team today.